Jiangsu xiangdao Precision Machinery Co., Ltd



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Characteristics and application of knitting machine
 Hits:1473 AddTime:2021/4/22 14:29:27
The characteristics of the knitting machine are as follows:
Automatic safe operation type of electric motor:
The electric motor controlled by computer also has the following safe operation modes;
Break is stop mode: in the weaving process, when the thread breaks suddenly, the head stops running mechanism immediately;
Overload self stop: in the weaving process, if the knitting machine encounters winding or bending of the pile, the operation is blocked due to damage, and the machine will stop automatically when the load is too heavy, and the number of rows woven will be automatically memorized. Stop the machine and automatically remember the number of rows woven.
Fully automatic n-color device:
N color control device can be used to weave n colors into single or double plates.
a large capacity memory:
It can store and remember the large and complex flowers designed, the maximum storage of N ingot / X indentation, and the maximum storage of n-ingot / X indentation for n-color flowers with single color or above.
1、 High automation: broken wire, no thread on the spool and no rubber tube to realize automatic shutdown.
2、 The change of angle (pitch) of knitting machine adopts stepless speed regulation without changing gear.
3、 High efficiency: the output per hour is more than twice the current commonly used model, and the maximum output is 70 m / h.
4、 The system has low noise, sound absorption, shock absorption and embedded device.
5、 The flexible structure of the transmission can be installed and removed easily for maintenance.
6、 The spindle of the wire rack adopts elastic adjustable device, reliable positioning, convenient and flexible loading and unloading of the spool.
7、 The key parts of the machine with small wear and long service life are heat treated with high quality materials and self lubricating device.
High speed wire winding machine is one of the important equipment to meet the requirements of rubber and rubber tube products. High speed wire winding machine is a new type of wire winding machine developed in combination with the advanced technology and the characteristics of practical production and operation abroad. It is used to complete the steel wire winding work of rubber pipe with 4-layer wire winding process at a time. The comprehensive balance angle is 54 ° 44, and the inner diameter of the winding rubber pipe can reach 76mm, The equipment adopts pneumatic clamping horizontal traction and frequency converter speed control.
There are many practices in our daily life that are not desirable. Let's look at which practices are prohibited.
It is strictly forbidden to sprinkle dust substances around the spindle, such as oil spilling and splashing with talc powder.
Before pulling out the spindle seat and reinserting the spindle rod disk joint, wipe the lower cone part of the spindle with a lint free cloth to prevent the fiber, flying flowers, rewind and sundries.
The ingot seat is stored or installed on the vehicle separately. When the spindle rod and disk joint is not inserted, the bearing hole of the spindle seat shall be covered with clean plastic film to prevent dust and flying flowers and sundries falling into the inner cavity of the ingot seat.
Do the "three concentric" work of spindle, steel collar and guide hook carefully.
Spindle is installed in the rib hole. While the axial direction is vertical and the positioning is reliable, the spindle rotation axis, steel collar center and yarn guide hook center are required to be concentric, which is commonly known as "three concentric" (if equipped with air ring, it is called "four concentric"). It is very important to stabilize yarn tension, normal air ring shape, stabilize spindle vibration, reduce broken head, reduce hairiness and improve yarn quality. It is necessary to do well carefully. If one of the three spindle, steel collar and guide hook is not concentric, the spindle will appear crooked spindle and air ring, the spinning tension is uneven, the head weight is heavy, the spindle vibration is intensified, the hairiness increases obviously, and the yarn quality decreases.
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Add:No.16, nanshenzao industrial concentration zone, Annan Industrial Park, Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province

Jiangsu xiangdao Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.